The Sue Hedley Nursery
Headteachers Welcome
I would like to warmly welcome you to The Sue Hedley Nursery School. We are a Local Authority nursery situated Hebburn. We currently have nursery provision from two to five years along with two SEND Resource Bases.
The Nursery is staffed by highly experienced qualified teachers, Early Years Practitioners and support staff.
We are a HighScope setting and use an embedded philosophy of Active Learning which means children have direct, hands-on experiences with people, objects, events, and ideas. Children’s interests and choices are at the heart of everything we do. Our active learning approach focuses on children’s strengths and abilities, allowing for individualised learning for children with a broad range of abilities, including those with Special Educational Needs.
We pride ourselves on providing a sequenced and ambitious curriculum that is broad, varied and driven by children’s interests and fascinations. The learning environment both indoors and outdoors is engaging, stimulating and open ended allowing children to be independent learners, but also allowing them to feel safe, secure and nurtured.
The most special part of our nursery is that we work closely with all our families and we pride ourselves on being a warm, welcoming, friendly and approachable team.
Ashley Borthwick
" Children soon pick up on these high expectations in all areas of the nursery life, including behaviour."
" Children who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities make excellent progress because you make sure that they access the additional services they need "
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