The love of reading is celebrated and encouraged throughout our Nursery timetable through; sharing of books from home, story time, interest activities and small group times.


As a provider we share the different layers that books provide. We take the lead and follow interests from the children. We have a library service each week, where parents/carers are able to take a book home each week chosen by their child. Parents are regularly invited to listen to a fun and interactive group story share. Parents are also invited to come and read to their children within the setting.


We take into account the seasonal rhythm of the year with our reading scheme. We begin with a range of simple interactive and repetitive books which hold the children’s attention for a short period of time. This then progresses to more in-depth stories focusing on the elements of reading such as characters, the structure of the story and predicting what may happen next.


The children experience phase one phonics experiences as part of their nursery session. This is incorporated throughout the many approaches which the practitioners take. When children are ready, we engage them in highly interactive and exciting phonic phase two sessions. This is when we begin to introduce the children to specific letters and the corresponding sounds which they make.


Reading texts can be found in varying formats throughout the nursery environment with a vast range of books and reading materials which children readily engage with. Practitioners model reading at every opportunity.


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